So yesterday morning I headed out early, 5:11 am, and it was dark dark dark so I tried out the headlamp. I was pleasantly surprised and how much it didn't bother me. It felt about the same as a visor so I was cool with it all and I loved being able to see in front of me and my garmin. I did pass one guy who kind of laughed as he said good morning but I thought buddy, I'm a girl and I'm about to turn off this well lit street and make my way through the dark and killer sidewalk jungle of the neighborhood so don't make fun of me and my headlamp. Of course, I could have imagine the laugh. Possibly he just said hi.
However that didn't stop my daughter from just rolling her eyes when I told her (excitedly I might add) that I got to use my headlamp and that it was cool and that it didn't bother me. But she's just a teenager, and a teenaged girl at that, so I sort of expected that response.
My daughter thinks all this running stuff is just my midlife crisis and I suppose she's right to an extent. But I've never kept up with anything fitness wise as long as I've done this (and it has only been a year and half!) so I figure this will take and stay with me for the rest of my life in some form. And as I told her, there could be far worse midlife crises I could have. So there (and I'm pretty sure I said so there to her too proving that the teenager is far more mature then the midlifer. Sometimes.).
Anyway, I mostly have this run in the dark stuff worked out. I've still got to get a reflective vest but then I'm good. So yay, mornings year around!! Except for the dreaded rain.... I've got to get Plan B in place for that because I know me and I know there is no way in hell I'll get out of a nice cozy warm bed at 5am to go outside and not only get cold but get wet. I don't love anything that much (let it go on record that I have run in rain and probably will run in rain again. But not at 5am, I won't).
Plan B will be one of two things: 1. purchase treadmill (gah, the cost!!! and ugh, do I really want one of those in my house) and 2. the gym (the cost probably adds up but over time so there's no big money hit! But I'd have to actually drive to run and will I do that in the rain?). I'm leaning towards option 2 but I have probably another 6 weeks to decide. Seems the dreaded rain comes mid October on average.
All thoughts and opinions are welcome and appreciated!
If I could buy a treadmill, I totally would. At least my gym is free (a perk of being a public librarian is good city benefits at the rec center!). I'll be curious to hear what you do.
I don't mind running in the dark, but (is this bad?) I don't wear a headlamp or reflective gear. For some reason, I feel like I'm stealth and the bad guys can't see me. I know, what bad guys? But my imagination goes into overdrive. It makes me run faster at least. And I do take some safety measures, like leaving the music at home and making sure my husband knows my chosen route.
I know I need to count my lucky stars that I can pretty safely run at night. I'd do the gym. But that's cuz I would want to get out of the house :P
I used my headlamp for the first time at Hood to Coast... I liked it!
Heh - I'm jealous that you can make yourself get up in the morning to run! I'm useless before 9 am.
Big fan of the headlamps. I can't imagine I'd ever buy a treadmill even if I could afford it because of the space, but I was pretty good about driving to the gym a few times a week for the year and a half that I had a gym membership.
I have to figure out how I missed all these post...I follow you and you dont show up on my reader....blame it on google...
I would do the gym when it is so dark. Here I wait for some daylight or it is the gym. it is not safe enough on my trail for a woman alone. If I have a buddy we both carry pepper spray!...
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