Monday, May 07, 2012

Back in the game

Okay -- time to get the fussy, whiny, dramatic post down from the #1 spot.

It's official, I'm back in the game.

That doesn't mean I'm totally pain free though so I'm taking it easy.  However, I did visit my doc and he said it was okay to run but take it VERY SLOW and to make sure I was recovered (back to the same level of pain I have all the time -- very manageable) within 24 hours and call him if it gets worse instead of better.

So for the past two weeks I logged 5 running miles and then 9 running miles.  It makes me laugh but hey, I have to start somewhere.  I was going to go for 15 this week but the doc said I was lucky to make the 5 to 9 increase and it was too much. So I've scaled back my goals and I'm going to shoot for 12 miles this week in three 4 mile runs.  That seems reasonable.

I'd been toying with the idea of a half around the end of July (the SF Marathon conveniently has two half marathons that day so I am playing around with the idea of running one of those).  Then I start in on official marathon training again.  Doing the half right at the beginning gives me something to work towards and to gauge fitness right before I try again to make it to the starting line of a marathon.

So I've been toying with an actual training plan -- obviously with lots more cross training right now but a definitely ramp up of running.  Let me say, just writing down each weeks ramp of mileage was exciting.  Made it all real.

I'm not forking over any cash quite yet -- I need to regain a bit of confidence.  But I'm close.

And thank god.


Paul said...

Whew! Glad it looks like you are coming back to health.

I think when stress fractures heal they are stronger than before. IF the are fully healed. Ask your Dr.

Terzah said...

Three four-mile runs sound heavenly! I'm so glad for you. Definitely be careful, but enjoy it, too. I'm looking forward to running CIM with you.

Raina said...

Yay!!!! You are BACK!!! I am so happy for you. Looks like you have some great plans in the works Tricia.

Not sure what your mileage was like before, but it has to feel good to get some in now :)

Jill said...

This is fantastic news, I am smiling ear to ear for you!!! :)

Anne said...

Great to hear you're back at it. Consider to run conservatively and you'll run long.

Nelly said...

Glad to hear that you are back at it with running some! Yea, I'm with your doc, take it easy out there, and increase slowly. Don't want to get injured again!

Kathy said...

How are you feeling? Hope your getting back out there!

Nelly said...

Yea, while overall I'd say I enjoyed Bay to Breakers, it was hard to get out of my mind about my injury and whether I was doing more harm than good. I guess I couldn't stop myself from running out there though. And yea, B2B race organizers do need to find a way to make the race fun again, or else I think race attendance will continue to fall I think. It just doesn't feel the same as before.

Paul said...

Hey Trica,
How r you doing? All going well?